The Chickering Foundation
Est. 1864
The Foundation’s mission is to honor the work of Hannah B. Chickering, who, in the 19th century, dedicated her life to imprisoned women and their children. The Foundation provides financial support to programs and organizations that primarily serve women, children, and families affected by or at risk of incarceration.
Grant Criterion and Application
Grant Criteria:
The Chickering Foundation supports agencies whose work reflects and promotes the mission of Hannah B. Chickering. The slate of agencies now receiving funding may not reflect the current priorities described below in all instances.
The agencies we support:
Primarily serve women, children, and families affected by or at risk of incarceration.
Are dependent on private funding and reflect, in their scope and size (annual operating budgets of less than approximately $3,00,000), the size of our Foundation.
Provide community-based resources for people within an approximately 25-mile radius of Dedham, Massachusetts, home of Hannah Chickering.
Build relationships with individuals to bridge gaps left by government services, enabling women, children, and families to have a higher quality of life.
Develop relationships within the community to foster a long-term web of support that may include jobs, housing, and life skills.
Additional policies:
Agencies approved for funding will be assigned a Chickering Foundation Manager and undergo an annual review.
We ordinarily fund agencies for no more than ten years. Formerly funded agencies may reapply for Chickering funding after a two-year hiatus.
Under special circumstances, one-time and multi-year grants may sometimes be provided.